Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 8, 2016

Các Thánh VN trổ tài =)) và cái kết .....

Dear brothers and sisters . Now is the time to open your eyes ! The message we want to send to the comunity of hacker vietnam and those who call themselves Anonymous Vietnam . as your country occupies in the decaying and rotting . Freedom of speech has never exited in your country . this is the reason we want to send you this message . We have 5 reasons to send it to you . 
1 . Police robs people of money the road , even part of the government corrupts from top to bottom , as they want to be the dictators . Each class in the system of government derives you of freedom of speech and political banners . You need to speak up and defend the people of your country .
2 . All children in yoir country has been tortured and beaten to death because of some people classified as closed . Student then took their bodies in exchange for pionts . If that so we do not understand which mission your country , s educarion minitry was created to do ? Hacker comunity vietnam or claiming to be comunity anonymous vietnam need to fight and demands justice for the victims .
3 . Each time you use our logo you have to understand that our ideals are justice and freedom. To protect The future for the people and for the people. You have to know the fact that the leaders of the country are hiding . If you do not understand thse thing you are not eligible to take the name "Anonymous" of ours .
4 . If anonymous using the logo and our picture as a joke , we will be offensive to those who call themselves Anonymous. If you act contrarily to our ideals , you are disgracing our name .
5 . Anonymous is not a street prostitution . we want you to stand up to change your country . we are legion . United as One . Devided by zero .We do not forgive censorship . We do not Forget Oppression . Expect Us !!


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